Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halfway-home. Don't be fooled by the Bengal's recent success.

At the mid-point of the season, the least talked about team with a winning record is undoubtedly the Cincinnati Bengals. Maybe there is a good reason. Owner Mike Brown's resume speaks for itself. His frugality and mismanagement during his 20 year tenure is unrivaled. If Mr. Burns and Donald Sterling could produce an offspring, you would get Mike Brown.

Usually talk involving the Bengal's requires the presence of an criminal attorney. Since the year 2000, the Bengal's have had 30 players arrested, a record equally as impressive to me as their historic franchise futility. Arrest charges range from DUI's, drug-trafficking, carrying illegal firearms, resisting arrest, obstruction of justice, banging underage girls, and last but not least battering women. If the Bengal's were that versatile on the field, they might have posted more than 2 winning seasons in the last 20. Their off-field issues were perhaps best highlighted by Chris Henry, who was arrested 6 times during his brief NFL career before being murdered in December 2010.
Not wanting to let this years winning record stand in the way of their prideful disarray, Coach Marvin Lewis recently activated Pacman Jones. Instead of having to finish out his sentence for his 14th arrest in less than 5 years, the Ohio State's attorney's office agreed to let Pacman finish out his sentence on the Bengal's roster. After all, what could be worse than having to work under Mike Brown?
Mike Brown's mentor

So is it any surprise the people of Cincinnati are skeptical that they are once again being duped? Why shouldn't they be? Perhaps this season's 5-2 squad is merely another thinly-veiled money-making ploy to fill seats rather than a cohesive unit built to win. Last year, they showed promise starting 2-1 before dropping 10 straight, ultimately leading to Carson Palmer's departure.

Miraculously, the Bengals recently off-loaded Palmer to the only team in professional sports that is so mis-managed and disfunctional, they make Mike Brown look like Steve Jobs. Thank you Raider's. But lets not get too excited. First, remember that the Bengal's only have 1.5 scouts, so unlike with real teams, acquiring draft picks isn't necessarily a good thing.
Dan Snyder offered Mike Brown Miley Cyrus' virginity for Ochocinco in 2008.
A short history lesson. Don't forget that in 2008, the Redskins desperatley wanted Chad Ochocinco, offering Brown 2 first round picks, the solution for the world's current economic crisis, the location of Jimmy Hoffa's body, and Miley Cyrus' virginity- an offer Brown scoffed at. Before this season, Brown traded Ochocinco to the Patriots for a 5th and a 6th round pick.

Going back a little further. Akili Smith. Need I say more? Ok. In the 1999 draft, Mike Ditka, then coach of the New Orleans Saints offered the Bengal's an unprecedented 9 draft picks so they could move up and get Ricky Williams. Brown turned sneered at the offer and drafted an unproven Akiki Smith, who was released in 2002. The Saint's still got Williams with the 5th pick.
So don't worry Bengal's fans, have faith in the fact that Mike Brown is working tirelessly to find new ways to lose and derail this recent gratuitous success. Keep the faith Who Dey Nation!

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